Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I put my angry boots on this morning. Because I don't understand. I don't understand why people that put forth teachings that are antithetical to the gospel... why organizations that use the cross as a political leverage point... why they get to call themselves Christian organizations. It disgusts me. It makes me want to ditch the label just so I'm not associated with them.

Yes, OakInitiative, Mo Ranch is hosting a Muslim Youth Group. No, Oak Initiative, Muslims are not the enemy. Allow me to deconstruct/reconstruct that sentence for the slow among you:

People... Are... Never... The... Enemy.


Despite any scriptural posturing you would like to do, or any other fear mongering and hate speech you would like to produce, people are never the enemy. 

AND, even if they were, Christ was explicit in His instruction on how to treat your enemies.

I cannot find a single passage where Jesus mandates that we take up arms or start a political movement. In fact, his own followers were shocked and disappointed when He refused to do these very things (research the Zealots). AND Christ actually lived under an oppressive regime, not this laissez faire, do what you want, consumer culture we call a Christian nation.

Say what you would like. The beauty of this nation is that you are entitled to your opinion. But please... Please stop using the word Christian or twisting the scripture while you spout anti-christian theology.

News Flash: God is not Republican. In fact, He's not even American. In fact, She's not even just a He. Jesus wasn't Swedish, with feathered hair, a Marriot bath robe, and a beauty-pageant sash(thanks to Rob Bell for this imagery). He probably looked like a young Yehuda Krinski.

Every time in history that the cross has been used to bolster the flag under which it found itself, very bad things happened. You throw around Nazi and Gestapo labels so loosely (spits in the dirt). The Nazis used the cross to support their flag. Don't do that with ours.

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